DH Grad Certificate
A collection of past and current projects, supervised student projects at the University of Miami and Georgia Tech.
Personal Projects
- A-Z of Multimodal Pedegogy (2020-present)
- WE1S: UM Human Subjects Research (2019-2020) [Mini Report 1], [Mini Report 2]
- Mapping Mary Gardner Lowell’s Journey to Cuba (2017)
Supervised Student Projects
- Walking While Black: The Impact of Discrimination on Mental Stability by Andrew Dumas, Sebastian Lobos. University of Miami (Spring 2021).
- The Beauty Behind Hidden Figures: An exploration of Institutional Racism & Biases by Alexa Barroso, Valeria Wakil. University of Miami (Spring 2021).

Racisim and Technology by Maggie Bridges, Rachael Beno, Sophie Murphy, Gabriela Gibbs. Georgia Tech (Fall 2021).