Hello! I am a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow and the Assistant Director of the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech. My research and teaching incorporate critical race and ethnic studies, digital humanities, multimodal pedagogies, and writing across the curriculum.
My book project, Transcultural Mobilities and Narratives of School Space in Contemporary U.S. Immigrant Literature, analyzes post-911 contemporary novels to rethink the conceptual meaning and impact of what it means to understand the institutionalization of diversity within spaces of lower and higher education. I examine how the rhetoric of diversity and multiculturalism poses structural limitations on the transcultural mobilities of non-white subjects in US schools, colleges and universities. For more information on my teaching and research, please see my blog.
Link to my current CV.
When not dabbling in academia, I love to cook Indian food with my husband, sing, paint a little, and spend hours talking to my family back in the city of joy, Kolkata.

Nov 30, 2021 | Invited speaker for the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate at UM. |
Sep 15, 2021 | Awarded the 2021 IMPACT Fellowship at Georgia Tech. |
Apr 27, 2021 | Winner of the 2021 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award at UM. |
Jan 1, 2021 | Selected as one of three speakers U.S. nationwide for the Emerging Scholars Symposium at Boston University, Feb 26, 2021. |